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248 Main Street
Bowdoinham, ME, 04008
United States


East of Eden Flower Farm grows specialty cut flowers and offers seasonal floral design for weddings and events in coastal Maine. From March through November, you can find our flowers in many different places - we make mixed bouquets for local retail outlets and our popular CSA program. We offer bulk buckets of flowers for DIY couples and also offer floral design services for weddings. We work with floral designers in the Portland and Brunswick area and are expanding into local farmers' markets.

Cornel Bronze

2025 Dahlia Tuber Shop

Cornel Bronze

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Sold Out

Cornel Bronze

from $7.00

‘Cornel Bronze’ is a favorite amongst growers and designers for good reason. Super prolific 3” to 4" coppery orange blooms are perfect for late summer and fall bouquets. The longer we’ve grown this variety, the more we’ve come to appreciate the range of tones it sends out over the season.

Class: Ball

Height: 4 feet

SHIPPING INFORMATION: All dahlia tubers ship in the spring once danger of frost has passed as there needs to be a sufficient shipping window to ensure tubers do not freeze in transit. Most years, this happens in the first half of April. The exact date depends on each year’s weather. You will be notified by email when your tubers ship. PICK-UP: We also have a pick-up option for our local customers, which you may choose during the checkout process.

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